Dear Mr. Swoboda,
In the pursuit of optimal sound I tried out the Swoboda Powerstrip and Powercable PL IV for all my components. Swoboda Audio Team lend me measuring instruments for establishing correct phase of powersupply and all components. The accompanying personal video instruction made the procedure very easy. Though I believed that my power conditioner ExactPower EP15A was all for the benefit of my system, I must admit that the Swoboda Powerstrip is a better substitute making the system sounding a lot more dynamic, and revealing more subtle nuances of the music. These parameters seem to be very important to drag the listener into the musical experience. Also my Sugden Headphone amp came to an entirely new life and is now a pleasure to listen to via my Grado GS1000 headphones.
After comparing the Emm labs converter to the SCD-XA333ES / Swoboda several times, i have to say the modified 333 has the “leading edge” in particular by its “analogue” performance.
So, if you want your music to be the best, trust in the capability of the Swoboda Team.
SACD/CD-Player: Sony SCD-XA333ES / Swoboda Vollausrüstung
Vorstufe: BAT VK52SE
Endstufe: BAT VK255SE
Lautsprecher: Energy Veritas 1.8
Netzleiste: Swoboda Netzleiste
Netzkabel: Swoboda Netzkabel PL IV
NF-Kabel: Swoboda Reinsilberkabel II
NF-Kabel: Swoboda Reinsilberkabel II XLR
Digital-Stecker: Swoboda 75 Ohm Digitalabschluss-Stecker
P.Holm, Dänemark